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Posts tagged networks

Graphing Ping Times
Mar 29th
I recently had the need to generate a graph of ping times between my PC and a British Telecom server. After a quick web search the only options I found were commercial programs or free software that was incredibly bloated, complex to configure and with lots of dependencies. There must be a simpler way, and there is. Perl.
Here is my script:
#!/usr/bin/perl # Converts ping output into a CSV file for graphing # andy at british ideas dot com - March 29th 2011 # Public Domain # Run using: # ping -D | ./ > output.csv # or: # cat pingdump.txt | ./ > output.csv print "Measurement Time,Ping Time\n"; while (<STDIN>) { if ($_ =~ m/^\[([0-9\.]+)\].*time\=([0-9\.]+).*/i) { print "$1,$2\n"; } } close(STDIN);