Interesting Tech Projects
Posts tagged wii

Not All Wii Nunchuks Are Created Equal
Aug 29th
What is the difference between the two Nunchuks below?
Quite a lot actually. The one on the left was bought on ebay for £3.50 and came with no packaging or information. The one on the right was bought from Amazon for £11.20 and came with Nintendo packaging and a warranty. Read on for details of all the differences I discovered. More >

Reading a Wii Nunchuck Using I2C
Aug 20th
There are plenty of descriptions on how to read the joystick, accelerometer and button values from a Wii Nunchuck using I2C but I haven’t seen any waveforms. So here are mine. Click on the images to see them in full size.
The I2C bus was running at about 100kHz. The time between the handshake and the first data read sequence is about 1.8ms and the time between each subsequent data read sequence is also about 1.8ms, although I feel that these times can probably be reduced.
Unlike many code examples I have seen there are no delays between each write operation in the handshake or between the write and read operations of the data read sequence.
First up is the handshake to send “unencrypted” data:
Next is the data read sequence containing a six byte chuck of data with the values we need:
Hopefully these will be useful to people developing application with a Wii Nunchuck.